Tuesday 14 March 2017

Task 7- Audience and cinema going habits

Audiences usually go to the cinema on a Saturday or Sunday this is because this is when the children are off and adults get more free time.
The top 5 most popular genres are Action, Animation, Sci-fi, Comedy, Drama. The top films in each of these were:
Action- Spectre
Animation- Minions
Sci-fi- Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Comedy- Pitch Perfect 2
Drama- Fifty Shades Of Grey
Audiences find out about films because of social media. There are ads that pop up for people to find out and ways to share trailers to films to get the film spread around. Audiences prefer to watch US Films this is because they have most of the well know actors in their films. Yes audiences do like 3D films this is because it interacts more with the audience. The target audience for 3D films are mainly children film this is because it attracts them because the image jumps out at them and they feel like they are in the film. Other ways audiences watch films aside from the cinema is on DVDs, Netflix and other online sources. Audiences go to the cinema on their own, with their family or friends. Most audiences are most likely to go to the cinema on weekends, holidays and evenings this is because this is when people are less busy. Most audiences are more likely to go to the cinema in their own town at their main cinema this is because they will have all the up to date films.

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