Monday 20 March 2017

Hotel Babylon- Ethnicity

Ethnicity is shown in camera by the close up of the woman on reception shows that she is important this is because the shot zooms in towards her which shows everyone follows her lead. It also shows her standing which shows she is also important.
Camera also shows ethnicity by the over the shoulder shot that is placed on the Spanish woman is when they are locked in the basement this shows that she is important an that everyone is looking at her for her next order this shows that she is important and in charge of everyone in the room. It also shows she is important because she is being filmed on her own and having loads of space whereas the immigrants are all cramped and have nowhere to move. Another way camera shows ethnicity is by the close up shot o the black man putting jam in the lady's mouth after she has fainted. This shows us that the power of the different ethnicities have changed and he is the most important. This subverts to his stereotypical role in the hotel as he is normally a cleaner that gets no recognition.
The tracking shot in the kitchen shows different ethnicities sitting at different tables in a very plain looking kitchen with nothing but tables and chairs. All the tables are talking apart rom the last able tis is because they have just lost one of their men that they call family this shows that this is a low point in the clip.The last camera shot is a wide shot this is because it shows us everything that is happening in the scene. it shows ethnicity because the immigrant is being caught by the police shows the differences between ethnicities because the police are more important than the immigrants as the police take the immigrant away. it also shows how the police are white which could suggest that they are stronger and more important and that they belong in the hotel.

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