Tuesday 28 March 2017

Regionalism- Doc Martin

In camera regionalism is represented in a few different ways. In the scene where the son is fixing the sink there is a wide shot of him, his dad and Doc Martin this is important because the son subverts the stereotype of them being thick this is because he know how to fix the sink and is more intelligent than everyone else. The tracking shot of Doc Martin taking the dog to the police station shows that he is angry this is because of the way he walks and his facial expressions. This tells us that Londoners are angry people because of the full shot of Doc Martin as we get to see his every move and this shows us he is angry. In the scene where they are fixing the sink we are given three close up shots, one of each person. This shows us what they are doing as an individual rather than the whole picture together. It shows us that Doc Martin is being lazy and just watching the dad and son fix the sink. This tells us that Londoners are lazy and rude. It shows the dad just sitting watching his son and talking to Doc Martin this conforms the stereotype that Cornish people are lazy and talk all the time. Whereas the son subverts this stereotype because he is actually doing something about the broken sink. In the next shot when Doc Martin is walking down the street he meets a woman and they start talking during this mid shot they are talking and as she is talking she looks up to him and he looks down to her this shows that Londoners are more important than the Cornish because she is looking up to him.

In mise en scene regionalism is represented in many different ways. One way that regionalism is represented is by their costumes. There is a clear difference between Londoners and the Cornish this is because they are both completely different places with a completely different atmosphere. For example, Doc Martin wears a suit this tells us that he has a high professional job and is from London as many people who work in London wear suits. Whereas the Cornish are wearing dirty old clothes this tells us that they get very active where they work and that they do a lot of lifting. It also tells us that they don't have much of a high pay job because otherwise they could afford to buy themselves new clothes to work in. A prop that is used I the stray dog. This tells us that the Cornish people don't take care of things because there is a dog running around on the loose whereas in London all dog would be kept on leads or would be with their owners. This tells us that Londoners can take care of things better than Cornish people. The group of women I pink that Doc martin sees out of the window are subverting the stereotype because they are dressed I skimpy little outfits, this would be something a Londoner would wear on a night out not something a Cornish person would wear during the day.

In  sound regionalism is represented with different quotes and different music. One quote that is used is 'no charge' This is said by the dad in the scene where they are fixing the sink. This tells us that the Cornish are really nice people because they have told Doc Martin that they will fix his sink for free. They also say 'go with the flow' this tells us that they are laid back people and don't have a schedule they just do things when they come up. However, Doc Martin is completely different he says ‘go away’ in a rude and harsh tone when the dog jumps through the window this tells us that Londoners are very rude people and don’t like being disturbed when they are doing things. This is the complete opposite to what the Cornish people are like. Doc Martin also says ‘shut up and hold this’ he says this to the people that are trying to help him this also gives a bad stereotype of Londoners because it shows that we are always rude in every situation. The non-diegetic music goes with the pace of Doc Martin walking the dog to the police station. This non diegetic sound is parallel to his mood because he is angry and is walking at a fast pace and the music has a fast beat to keep up with him.

In editing regionalism is represent in a couple of ways. One way it is presented is by the pace of everything that Doc Martin does. He is fast paced this tells us that Londoners are stressed and don’t stop moving and are always working. However the Cornish are slow and have a lot of time to complete things and have breaks in between.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Cutting It- Gender

Gender stereotypes of men and women

9 Important shots

Analysis of Cutting It
mise en scene

Monday 20 March 2017

Hotel Babylon- Ethnicity

Ethnicity is shown in camera by the close up of the woman on reception shows that she is important this is because the shot zooms in towards her which shows everyone follows her lead. It also shows her standing which shows she is also important.
Camera also shows ethnicity by the over the shoulder shot that is placed on the Spanish woman is when they are locked in the basement this shows that she is important an that everyone is looking at her for her next order this shows that she is important and in charge of everyone in the room. It also shows she is important because she is being filmed on her own and having loads of space whereas the immigrants are all cramped and have nowhere to move. Another way camera shows ethnicity is by the close up shot o the black man putting jam in the lady's mouth after she has fainted. This shows us that the power of the different ethnicities have changed and he is the most important. This subverts to his stereotypical role in the hotel as he is normally a cleaner that gets no recognition.
The tracking shot in the kitchen shows different ethnicities sitting at different tables in a very plain looking kitchen with nothing but tables and chairs. All the tables are talking apart rom the last able tis is because they have just lost one of their men that they call family this shows that this is a low point in the clip.The last camera shot is a wide shot this is because it shows us everything that is happening in the scene. it shows ethnicity because the immigrant is being caught by the police shows the differences between ethnicities because the police are more important than the immigrants as the police take the immigrant away. it also shows how the police are white which could suggest that they are stronger and more important and that they belong in the hotel.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Task 7- Audience and cinema going habits

Audiences usually go to the cinema on a Saturday or Sunday this is because this is when the children are off and adults get more free time.
The top 5 most popular genres are Action, Animation, Sci-fi, Comedy, Drama. The top films in each of these were:
Action- Spectre
Animation- Minions
Sci-fi- Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Comedy- Pitch Perfect 2
Drama- Fifty Shades Of Grey
Audiences find out about films because of social media. There are ads that pop up for people to find out and ways to share trailers to films to get the film spread around. Audiences prefer to watch US Films this is because they have most of the well know actors in their films. Yes audiences do like 3D films this is because it interacts more with the audience. The target audience for 3D films are mainly children film this is because it attracts them because the image jumps out at them and they feel like they are in the film. Other ways audiences watch films aside from the cinema is on DVDs, Netflix and other online sources. Audiences go to the cinema on their own, with their family or friends. Most audiences are most likely to go to the cinema on weekends, holidays and evenings this is because this is when people are less busy. Most audiences are more likely to go to the cinema in their own town at their main cinema this is because they will have all the up to date films.

Luther- Gender

- High shot- creepy man- could be subdominant- shot levels to how that he is stronger than you think
- High angle - tricks you to think he is nice
- Framing- fences point to him to show he is important

Mise en Scene
- Men all in suits shows they are all mart, clever and dominant
- Sun shining on mother shows her innocence- face is in darkness- shows something will happen

- Creepy man gets most of the screen time to how he is important
- Shot reverse shot builds tension and makes you think about the importance of the characters 

- Non-diegetic music gives the creepy man more dominance
- Breathing enhanced- shows dominance in the man and fear in the woman
- Wetting herself- shows fear and makes her seem small and weak

Monday 13 March 2017

Torchwood- Sexuality

The slow fade transition during the dance scene shows how clam the homosexual relationship it also shows how natural the relationship should be seen. The pace is slow while they dance this gives a romantic effect. A stereotypical romance seen is a man and woman dancing with everyone around them this scene is trying to do the same but with homosexuals to show that all love should be equal and it shouldn't be judged. The homosexuals get the most screen time this shows their love for each other and that being homosexual is just as normal as heterosexual is.

Friday 10 March 2017

Task 6- Independent Cinemas

Task 5- Production Companies

Merlin- Social Class

In editing there are many different ways that social class is shown. the first way it is shown is when Merlin moves objects with his eyes this shows us that eve though Merlin is lower class he still has some power over the upper class even if it is just for a second. Another way it shows social class is the fast pace during the fight this builds the tension between upper class and lower class and shows that everyone is scared of the upper class. Another way social class is shown is by the smooth transitions between each shot this shows that the upper class are not scared at all and that they are clam because they have all the power. Social class is also shown by the use of screen time. In this clip Merlin has he most screen time this contradicts the upper class as we would expect them to have the most screen time as they are more powerful and controlling. Where as Merlin is lower class we wouldn't really expect to see his point of view.

In camera there are also many different ways you can show the differences between social class. The first way camera represents social class is the first scene where Merlin is in a room in the Castle. This shot tells us he shouldn't be here because it shows his face in awe and the close ups of the objects he is touching this tell us that he is curious to what they might be and represents that he is in a lower class and should not be in the room. Also in this first scene it shows a long wide shot of a woman walking towards the room Merlin is in. In this shot we can see that this woman is of a higher class than Merlin as her posture is very good and her clothes look new and are perfectly fitted. Also in this shot you can see her surroundings which are stained glass windows this adds to the effect that she belongs in the upper class. In the second scene there is an over the shoulder shot from Merlin's Master this tells us that his class are not the type of people to get into fights. We can tell this because of the expression on his face when the camera turns back to him. The last shot that represents class is the high shot of Merlin walking down the stairs. This makes him look small and shows the audience that he is the lower class. It also shows how the characters look down on him especially the upper class.
In Mise en Scene there are a number of ways to show social class, one way is the clothing they wear. The lower class, for example Merlin, wear rugged old clothes this tells us that he can not afford to buy new clothes this tells us that he is in the lower class. The upper class were wearing amour which tells us they are important and can afford to look after themselves. In the first scene there is woman that walks down the hallway of the castle we know she is in the upper class because she is wearing a long purple gown and her posture is very good. Also the setting behind her shows that she belongs in the upper class because when she walks past the stained glass windows the sun shines on her which shows she is innocent and belongs in the castle. There are two main props in this clip. One main prop is the broomstick this is used by the lower class to clean their floors however in this clip the upper class uses it to sweep up Merlin this shows us that he is lower class because the upper class is sweeping him up. This shows that the upper class has more power. Another prop that is used is the weapon that only the upper class have. Again this shows us that they have more power because they are the ones with the weapons and know how to use them. Whereas the lower class do not know how to use them this shows that they don't have any power against the upper class. At the beginning it shows the upper class walking around the castle, then the second scene is set in a small village with the lower class working. This shows the difference between the upper class and lower classes lives. The upper class does not have to work whereas the lower class do.
In sound there are many ways social class is represented. One way social class is represented in sound by the use of the word 'lord' Merlin says this in a sarcastic tone however it still shows the power the upper class hold power over the lower class. Another way social class is presented is when you can hear the diegetic sound of the woman's footsteps as she walks through the castle this shows her authority. However Merlin doesn't belong in the castle so when he is shown there is upbeat and dark music to show that a lower class person should not be in the castle. Another way we show the social class through sound is when Merlin and the guards are fighting with the sound of the animals and people working in the background. This shows us that the upper class are allowed to go where the lower class live but the lower class are not allowed to go where the upper class live this shows the difference between the social class and how powerful and in control the upper class are.